Locs Naturally Beautiful
Embracing the journey with confidence
What to expect!
What to expect!
Step 1: Pre-Education
The BEST clients are educated clients!
Don't go on hearsay or gossip about Sisterlocks from people you do not know or trust. Also, beware of Sisterlocks imitators! We have gone to great pains over the years to standardize our system, and train our practitioners effectively. EVERYONE who has taken legitimate Sisterlocks training class knows what clients Expect:
Access to FREE information about the Sisterlocksâ„¢ system (i.e. Handouts, the Sisterlocksâ„¢ website, clear pricing information, etc.)
Sisterlocksâ„¢ is offered as a package of 4 visits: Consultation, Locking Session and Follow-up visit.
Working conditions must be pleasant and sanitary.
Getting Sisterlocksâ„¢ should not hurt!!
Step 2: Find a Consultant:
Your relationship with your Consultant is most important! Take steps to ensure this person is ethical, proficient and has a good track record.
People who learn Sisterlocksâ„¢ undergo a training experience that is unparalleled. We limit our class size and never skimp on the hands-on
assistance. Also, ours is a "protected" system. Only authorized individuals may train, and students must agree not to teach or "show" the Sisterlocksâ„¢ system to others. We do this for you to help ensure against fraud. As we know, there are those who lack integrity, and who will misrepresent Sisterlocksâ„¢ and the services they offer.
All of our Consultants in good standing are listed on our website. Just click "Consultants / Trainees" on the sidebar. This will take you to the Certified Consultant registry. Certified Consultants have demonstrated their ability to perform the Sisterlocksâ„¢ techniques as they were taught to them. If you need to look further, click on the link at the bottom
of that page for our Trainee registry. Though not yet certified, Trainees are also legitimate Sisterlocksâ„¢ representatives.
Step 3: Make the Commitment
Once you have done your homework and found a Consultant you’re comfortable working with, commit
to the program! You will invest significant resources in your Sisterlocks™. Don’t Half-Step! Keep your appointments! Follow the Sisterlocks™ maintenance guidelines from your Consultant. Once you start
using products, use the Sisterlocksâ„¢ products that were designed for your hair. Be patient and most of all ENJOY your transformation!
Make sure your Consultant offers the Complete Sisterlocksâ„¢ Package for one price that includes:
During this session, you and your consultant will discuss your personal hair care history, your styling preferences, and our lifestyle in order to
determine if Sisterlocksâ„¢ is right for you. You will also have "test locks" put in your hair to see if they will hold, check sizes amount of scalp showing, settling-in time, etc... This consultation is essential
for both you and your Consultant to ensure you get your Sisterlocksâ„¢ done in the most suitable way.
Locking Session
The locking session can take a while! The average Sisterlocksâ„¢ customer
will leave with between 375 to 475 locks (this is average, you can often have more locks) and you should receive an official Sisterlocksâ„¢ Starter kit, which contains: starter shampoo, tip sheet, shampooing instructions, tiny rubber bands, and information on how to receive your official Sisterlocksâ„¢ Birth Certificate.
First follow-up Re-tightening Session
You will be asked to return for your first follow-up visit after you have had a chance to shampoo your locks at least 2 times. At this time your
Consultant will monitor the integrity of your locks, tighten them up and give you an idea of how long the settling-in period is likely to take.
Staying Connected!
Following the Sisterlocksâ„¢ Package, we recommend that you schedule your first few
re-tightening visits at 4-5 week intervals, this way; the progress of your locks can be monitored. As your locks mature, your consultant will
be able to determine how often you will need to come in for re-tightenings. The average time between visits is 6-8 weeks, depending on the rate of hair growth. Your consultant will be able to help you
determine the best time frame for your locks.
Your Consultant :
The Sisterlocksâ„¢ training classes stress the importance of professionalism
at every stage. This includes being on time, being polite, working efficiently, and being clear with clients about what is expected of them. This goes for their time investment and their financial investment.
Professionalism also means holding to high standards and being responsible for doing
quality work. Also, the best professionals do not take short cuts, and always give clients their money’s worth!
Ethical Behavior!
Ethical behavior is truly at the foundation of everything your Consultant does. Ethical behavior is not generally something an individual learns in a
class. More than likely, it is a reflection of that person’s core values and personality.
The Sisterlocksâ„¢ business is built on a strong ethical foundation, and we strive on a strong ethical foundation, and we strive to impart those
values to everyone we teach. We all know that no one is perfect, but when ethical people fall short, you generally won’t find them ducking out on their responsibilities, blaming others or giving clients the
short end of the deal. Finding a Sisterlocksâ„¢ Consultant with a strong ethical foundation is your best assurance of a satisfying and rewarding
long term experience.
Our training classes do not favor one type of setting for doing Sisterlocksâ„¢ over another. This means that individuals who will run home-based businesses for doing Sisterlocksâ„¢ and those who will perform
Sisterlocksâ„¢ in salon settings are held to the same standards. We all adhere to the teachings established by the American Hair braider's and Natural Hair care Association.
While Sisterlocks™ Consultants can’t do much about the number of hours it takes to get the locks put in, they can work to ensure clients’ time is spent in a pleasant, comfortable environment.
*** all information taken directly from Sisterlocksâ„¢ Lifestyle Journal, information Gallery Pages. ***
The best way to find a Sisterlocksâ„¢ Consultant in good standing is to go on our website www.Sisterlocksâ„¢.com and click on the sidebar "Consultants / Trainees" and follow the prompts from there.
Call Consultants, ask questions, and ask for pictures. While I would love to be your sisterlock consultant, I encourage you to take the information
on this website with you as you shop around. If I am not the consultant for you, this guide will help you to find the right consultant for your needs.
Locs Naturally Beautiful
900 Airport Freeway #130 Rm.20
Hurst TX, 76504
Contact: 253-228-0298